Being A Novice Writer – Shrinklinker

Being A Novice Writer

Right. The title came before the content. What should come first? Title or the content? I’m always puzzled by questions like that. Did I do a good job or was it just a waste?

I’m one of the novices, newbies, rookies or whatever you can term it in the world of “serious” (ahem) blogging.

I don’t know what kind of spirit joined me and I did it. All I know is that I love writing. It started when I was in my first year of high school. What I actually write, poems, short stories, dramas in the diary, corning jokes and little school plays that get applause and laughter from classmates. Since then, I haven’t stopped. It’s been going on and on.. once I dug through my Facebook notes and there were poems that I had written yesterday. It’s a shame, I’m just not enough and I’m too lazy to write a poem.

I started writing a novel in the 2nd year (I’m sorry, Em, finish it, haha). It involves politics and I am very scared. How about it, I don’t have much knowledge (then until now) and I know I need a resource person to continue writing it. Blogging, I’ve been wanting to do it for a long time, I just don’t know how to start. Summer after High school, that’s when I saw DF, I fixed my tumblr and the writing went on.

This is the funny thing when you are a writer (just assuming), there are times when you get hit with a writer’s block (go ahead, explain). No, I’ll just spell it haha. Going back, when you get hit with writer’s block, you know the feeling that all the fluid in your brain cells has dried up? The feeling that ideas fall in the corners of your brain, but you really want to write because now you have time. It’s fun, te! Try it.

There, you seem to have recovered from writer’s block. Sometimes when you read it, the writing is different from what your brain visualized. Well, edit…edit…edit…edit….that’s right..sit (dog?)..I quit(drama you?)..

There are times when you just give up. You don’t know if it’s writer’s block or if the spirit of laziness has just possessed you and crawled into your brain. That’s it, it’s too lazy to function. Those are the times when you want to release the trapped idea in your brain, mom, but my neurons are asleep, they don’t want to release signals or impulses. Leggo (let’s go) just sleep.

Sometimes when it’s finished, you’re shungabels because there are too many typos. It didn’t mean anything else. Even with wrong grammar, you look like a grade 1 who tried to write something like a grade 6 or a bat who tried to bark. Crazy, right? She loves me. He hates me. Oh yeah, stupid me. But I’m cute.

Comments. That’s my favorite. My favorite.


I have to admit that aside from ghosts, ghosts and debt collectors, I’m afraid of comments, especially negative ones, but even so, I try my best to accept it because I know that’s where I can develop. That’s right, the others who comment are more knowledgeable than the ones who wrote (I wish you had just written!). Sometimes they misunderstood what you wrote or they didn’t know it, they just commented. I’ll admit, sometimes I’m wrong because I failed to convey my message clearly, but there are times when the readers are slow (peace readers, don’t wait for me in the corner)

It just went to the somewhat misunderstood readers, include the kontra to the max. Also include the feeling that you are the narrator of the story. Well, the character in a story is crazy (I’m not crazy yet, soon.haha)… It’s crazy, that’s why sometimes you don’t want to publish it. Maybe I’m mentally typing stories every day.

If he is a writer, do his fictional characters live and talk to him? That has happened to me, especially the times when my brain is in an “unstable state” (okay, em, explain that, haha). Royce, Vince and Katherine – teasing me during my Chemistry class! I even saw Royce on the platform of the classroom! They haunted me! (I’m not crazy, just slightly…btw Royce, Vince and Katherine are my main characters in one of my serious novels).

Sometimes when you try to do something humorous, they don’t laugh. But if you get serious about your topic (just ya, don’t just slash), THEN THEY LAUGH WITH LAUGHTER.

Sometimes I just laugh at my own joke. Poor thing, it might go bankrupt.

There are times when you submit to DF, it takes a while to be approved. Hey, am I that bad? All negative thoughts will come to you. Come on. I’m not good yet. Why him? Why is that? Why is that? Hey, Em, why are you pure? What can be done? What? What? I? I? I? YOU!? (pronounce em at the same time?)





Afraid to express the attitude and want to say (I think I’m serious about what I put here). It’s true for me. Sometimes you will wonder if you should express it? Is there any use in declaring? Is there a destination? Or just wasting the readers time?

As for me, I’m struggling. Because I don’t always talk to anyone about writing. I have friends who write, but they are more onfiction writing and they do stories on Wattpad. As for me, future (assuming again) articles of DF.

“Can I do it? Well, this topic is quite delicate!” – me

“You can do that… You too.. Just think carefully of what you will say.” -me

Don’t call mentally first. I asked, I answered drama. I’m still normal.

“Well, why is that? Why does it look ugly!” -me

“No, Em, just practice. Relax. You will be fine too.” -me

Oh isn’t it, the fun? My problem, my advice.

I have friends I can ask for help, but they are always busy and it’s embarrassing to bother them, especially when you’re suffering from a loss of self-confidence. There are times when you feel that the thing you entered is not right because of your mistakes.

“Oh look at him! 18 yrs old, can publish a book. What about me? 16 what I did was ugly!”

“No, Em. You’re still young, you can do a lot. Gain experience. Enjoy life!”

Oh one more. What a shame. My problem, my comfort again. Haha. It’s also difficult because writing is not my major, but it’s my career (why? I love it). But I’m happy and I love my course and I really like him. I’m constantly finding ways on how I can connect writing through Psychology and so far..I’m finding a lot. I think I don’t need to explain that.

So I don’t know if it should be titled “crazy things about being a novice writer” or “bloopers of being a novice writer”. Maybe “it’s just me who’s crazy” should be the title. You decide.

Have a good day and God bless.